Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day 1. Or 2, really.

Last weekend, in Asheville, NC, with some friends, I had a conversation that started this process. A girlfriend shared how her husband had embarked on a specific eating regimen designed to rid his body of excess yeast. She detailed menus as well as how his overall life had improved in the last 20+ days.

So it got me thinking, and I did some research. Without getting way too personal, I've suspected an overgrowth of yeast in my system for the last several months. After a few hours of research, I made the decision to go at least 30 days without sugar or yeast. None. At all. Right here at Easter, with Peeps and Cadbury eggs calling to me.

Yesterday was day one, and it was cake (sorry). I ate nothing except egg beaters, raw tomatoes, turkey burgers, edamame and a big grilled chicken salad (no dressing, cheese, croutons, toast or fried onion strips - just chicken, lettuce, tomatoes and cukes).

I drank lots of water and attempted to beat back my sweet tooth with a Coke Zero. Now my friend Brad tells me that even fake sweet stuff - a la Coke Zero - can trick your body into thinking it's ingesting sugar. One step at a time, people. One step at a time.

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